Featured Video

Baby Born in Bethlehem (Come and See!) with German carol “Ihr Kinderlein Kommet”

Featured Publications

Little David, Play! - a new release from Shawnee Press School for SATB & SAB choirs with piano brimming with kinetic energy—a faithful setting of the traditional African-American Spiritual.


An “Editors’ Choice” at J. W. Pepper!


This anthem has a full richness that belies its SAB voicing. An intimate, stirring song of devotion from Shawnee Press Sacred.

A fresh SAB voicing of my Hope Publishing best-seller “Prepare the Way” is in this collection. I’m humbled to be included with such esteemed composers.

Current & Upcoming


 Saturday, March 29, 2025 at 7:30 pm - Carolina Contemporary Composers (C3) Spring Salon (Raleigh, NC) —   A chance to experience our latest music in a casual, cozy, up-close setting. I will be sharing “An Angel’s Soul,” in memory of my dear friend, Andrée. Doors open at 7:00. Contact me for address and invitation.


 Featured Publications

New Release! - Little David, Play! - from Shawnee Press (School). Check out the video here.


Recent Release! - Living Faith - from Shawnee Press (Sacred). This is an Editors' Choice at J.W. Pepper!


Laudamus Te - from Gentry Publications. A joyful piece in a classic style which will delight your school or church choirs. SAB, easy a cappella with just a few Latin phrases. This piece is a breeze to learn, and your choirs will delight in singing the wonderfully melodic lines! Performance recording available here.


Alleluia in 5/4 - published by Paraclete Press, for more advanced choirs. This unique piece begins and ends with rhythmic energy and overlapping syllabic contours. The middle section incorporates excerpts of the hymn tune Lasst Uns Erfreuen passing through different voices in a creative way, modulating to a grand ending. Listen to a demo here.


Prepare the Way  - an exciting Advent anthem from Hope Publishing Company. In a gospel style with lots of sung dialog between voices, light percussion and a delightful piano part! A Hope Publishing best-seller! 


Sign up at the bottom of the page to learn about these pieces and all my upcoming publications and concerts as they occur!



November 24, 2024 - Triangle Vocal Project  —  All kinds of songs on the theme of “Day & Night” / “Sun & Moon.” Concert benefited the Durham Children’s Choir. Held at Eno River Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Durham.


June 23, 2024 -  Triangle Vocal Project  —  A concert of works by women, benefitting Sisters' Voices. Held at Eno River Universal Unitarian Fellowship of Durham.


March 23, 2024 - NC State Choral Artists concert  —  Considering Matthew Shephard -  by Craig Hella-Johnson, directed by Nathan Leaf at Universal Unitarian Fellowship of Raleigh. Performance recording here.